We produce world leading stock animation.

Available through a wide variety of stock agencies.

With todays tight budgets on any kind of project the aquisition of stock images and clips has become a mandatory part of the production cycle.

brave rabbit offers a wide range of high quality 3d images and animations through all common internet stock agencies.
In addition to the existing material we also offer customized versions of almost all available items.

If you are interested in having us produce alternate versions or place your logo in an animation please contact us for an individual quote.

Updated race car collection

This video has been edited from our selection of original, unaltered stock footage clips, currently available on all major stock sites. The clips represent the latest batch of updated and new high quality videos.

Are you looking for a customization?

Customizations are a great way to increase the viewing value of a clip in comparison to a standard stock animation. Even though it’s a little more expensive it’s still less than any commissioned work.

A customization can be as simple as placing a logo in designated areas or changing colors, or as extensive as changing the light and mood or adding extra objects. Anything is possible.

The base price for a customization starts at 250 EUR, which includes readyness of the data, licensing and render costs. All customization costs are then added to the base price.

Need to see what's possible?

Base Clip

  • Royalty Free License
  • Free Rendering

Simple Package

  • Royalty Free License
  • Free Rendering
  • Logo Formatting and Fitting
  • Color Changes
  • HD Resolution
  • One Preview and Revision

Pro Package

  • Royalty Free License
  • Free Rendering
  • Logo Formatting and Fitting
  • Color Changes
  • One Preview and Revision
  • Banner and Sign Logos
  • Custom Camera Animation
  • 4K Resolution
  • Spectator Replacement

All prices are without sales tax. 19% tax will be added where applicable.

The Simple and Pro Package prices are examples only. The final cost per clip depends on the amount and type of customization.

If multiple clips are requested the price for general customizations, like adding logos and changing colors, only applies once. Customizations which vary for each clip will be caclulated per clip.

Additional costs apply for rendering a clip in 4k or higher resolution.

We invite you to check out our portfolio at the following stock sites.