Previous Version Videos

This video shows a preview of the new version 2.0 of SHAPES.
The most important new features are:

  • Included SHAPES Brush
  • Support for blend shape weight maps, including copy/paste/invert/trim/export/import/delete
  • Grouping for better organization
  • Color coded active channels during filtering
  • User defined slider ranges
  • Use original or current mesh as new target shape
  • and more

Overview to the latest additions and improvements during the beta version of SHAPES 2.0.

Improvements and enhancements to SHAPES 1.1, such as:

  • Unlinking of channel sliders
  • Support for corrective animation
  • Easily delete driving nodes or break connections
  • Merge multiple shapes
  • Swap shapes
  • Mirror shapes driven by set driven keys without having the model to be posed
  • Enhancements to the weight driver node
  • and much more

Overview of the latest improvements and new features:

  • Editing in Mudbox, ZBrush or exporting as FBX
  • Adding existing shapes as blend shape targets
  • Duplicating the mesh
  • Focus selected
  • Combo improvements
  • Improvements to the driver list
  • Split shape
  • Merge shapes

The video demonstrates the difference of having the Additive Sculpt Mode enabled/disabled when modeling corrective shapes on top of already existing shapes while being in a deformed state of the model.

The open mouth position has another corrective shape already active with a value of 0.6.

The video has no audio, so please see the notes below of explanation:

00:12 Shows the driving joint for the open mouth.
00:17 Setting up the shape driver as a SetDrivenKey. The joint z rotation is -30 and reflected in the settings.
00:29 Currently the Additive Sculpt Mode is active, which results in shapes inheriting each other in the overlapping areas. This is usually not preferred.
00:33 Sculpting the new shape.
00:50 After exiting the sculpt mode the new shape is already active because of the set driven key. The mishaped result from overlapping correctives is clearly visible.
01:08 Deleting the bad corrective.
01:12 Disabling Additive Sculpt Mode (not really visible in the video – but it’s off)
01:15 Entering Sculpt Mode for creating the corrective.
01:30 After exiting the sculpt mode this time the new shape shows the expected result

The video quickly demonstrates some of the features.
The video has no audio, so please see the notes below of explanation:

00:10 Showing that we try to work on a corrective shape while another blendshape is active (driven by the open jaw)
00:24 The joint ‘head_skin’ is the driver for leaning the head back
00:36 The tool displays an error with the mesh, because it has multiple intermediate shape nodes
00:45 The Hypergraph shows the multiple shape nodes
01:07 Loading the mesh into the editor and deleting the unnecessary shape nodes
01:17 Setting up the weight driver (pose reader) by selecting the driving joint (the asterisk * marks the joint as a skin influence) – all important settings are based on the joint
01:26 Sculpting the corrective shape
01:42 Exiting the sculpt mode; the weight driver is created and connected with the blendshape target
01:53 Shows the range of influence of the weight driver
02:10 Entering tweak mode for the corrective to make adjustments
02:34 Switching between different interpolation modes of the weight driver
03:09 Adding a new inbetween for the corrective shape
03:26 Adjusting the position of the inbetween shape
03:36 Hiding the weight driver from the menu
04:16 Deleting the corrective shape

The video demonstrates the main feature set of the Corrective Shape Editor for Maya.